The onion concept is often the basis of most treatment plans set up for clients.
Belief itself shifts biology. Using positive psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and other uplifting methods to positively change brain chemistry.
Negative thinking is equally as powerful as positive 'placebo' thinking. We need to find ways to not give our power away and to get negative belief systems out on the table and change behaviour where it's needed.
Where the mind can't find the answers, often the body can. 'Focusing' sessions lead clients into a meditative relaxed state where they can explore the feelings in their body and where they are held. Focusing can lead to interesting and powerful moments of understanding and healing. By tapping into the subconscious and discovering the unknown programming that exists within us we can bring light to it into our consciousness. Being conscious of our predispositions brings acceptance of who we are, the patterns we repeat and how to effectively move forward.
Learning to live in the NOW follows the incredible work of Ekhart Tolle...
Looking into the past and re-living negative or 'what if' moments creates depression while looking with fear into the future creates anxiety. Psycho-education, mindfulness and meditation strategies can be used to create happiness and inner calm.
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